

Motivational Speaking... Weddings and Parties... Community Outreach... Marriage Counseling... Social Events... Inspirational Reading... Family Counseling...

Please help Keep It Moving Inc. with its
community outreach efforts!

Keep It Moving Inc. is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to make the world a better place by providing free or low-cost services and events to the community we so gladly, eagerly, and willingly serve daily! The services and events are designed to enrich the lives of all who particpate in them.

Please support our efforts by becoming a sponsor! As a sponsor, your name/business will be posted on our website as a proud member of the Keep It Moving Team! The Keep It Moving Team is comprised of individuals, organizations, and companies who are not afraid to make a positive difference in the world! Our sponsorship levels are:
  • Copper:     $ 50
  • Bronze:      $ 100
  • Silver:        $ 250
  • Gold:          $ 500
  • Platinum::  $ 1,000 or above
If you would like to donate but not become a sponsor, you can still give money to help our efforts! To become a sponsor or make a donation,

please use the cash app $PleaseKIM cash tag to make your tax-deductible contribution!

Please know any amount of money donated will be sincerely and greatly appreciated by our community!!!

If you would like to find out more about our community outreach efforts, please contact Dr. Alicia "Dr. Li" C. Francis-Wiggins using the information at the bottom of this page.